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Posts tagged ‘pest control inspections San Diego’


Real Estate Termite Inspections

Real Estate Termite Inspections

Here in San Diego California where the average  residential resale prices now over $500,000, most homeowners realize the value of maintaining their property and so any landscaping maintenance or peeling paint is usually addressed quite quickly. But when it comes to one of the most destructive conditions  that face homeowners, the vast majority elect to go with the out of sight out of mind philosophy.

Sure, but I’m talking about here is termites and dry rot. These are two main things that San Diego pest control companies look for when doing a home inspection. I don’t think that there’s many homeowners who haven’t seen houses that are tented to eradicate termites. It’s unfortunate but this usually occurs because the home entered escrow and the purchaser requested a termite/pest control clearance. Read more