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Posts tagged ‘San Diego real estate website popularity’

Sep Visitors Visitors

Over 26,000 average unique visitors per month to this San Diego real estate blog site! VisitorsI’d like to say thank you to all my visitors.. It’s great to know that there such an interest in the real estate articles and opinions I post here on this San Diego real estate blog site.

There’s a big difference between unique visitors and just hits to a website. The reason I tried to show how many unique visitors the site generates is because this figure is a much more accurate representation of the popularity of any site. Basically, a unique visitor is one visit from a specific URL in a 24-hour period. So, if this is the first time you’re visiting this  site, the background software has counted your visit as a unique visit. And, if you go back to this site at any time within a 24-hour period from your first visit, the site will not count any other visits from your URL until a 24-hour period has elapsed from your initial visit. Read more