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Posts tagged ‘San Diego real estate mortgages’


San Diego Homeowners with Underwater Loans

San Diego HomeownersPeople might have got into these loans without thinking too hard but I guarantee you that they won't leave as foolishly. You don't need to be Robert Shiller to understand that your housing equity is not coming back any time soon and that rents are becoming ever more affordable.

Besides… who needs a credit score in the next 4 years anyway? Many people approaching 800 on their FICO are still being denied new credit card offers and have no desire to purchase any real estate until the dust settles.

Many strongly believe that underwater homeowners should walk away en masse unless their true desire is to stay put for the next 15 to 20 years. Rip the band-aid off!!!               San Diego Realtor


San Diego real estate – 2009 the Option ARM resets

Many local mortgage lenders feel that San Diego & Southern California were the prime locations for the adjustable Option ARM loans. Now, just when many believed the mortgage crisis was winding down, San Diego real estate will be facing another major obsticle.

Our first post on this problem was San Diego Real Estate … The Coming Next Wave of Foreclosures, published on 7-17-08. It took a little while, but now the major media outlets have picked up on this problem.                                                                San Diego Realtors
