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October 2, 2008


Housing Bailout & Your Vote

by Bob Schwartz
The more money congress takes from taxpayers, the more money they spend. We don't have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem. But what the heck does congress care. It is easy to spend money that is not your money. I could do the same, too. I would like to see every incumbent in the house of representatives get voted out of office in November. All of them need to go. Also, get rid of 1/3 of the Senate that is up for vote in November, too. VOTE FOR NO INCUMBENTS IN NOVEMBER. Sent a big message to the fools.
Related post on the Government bailout:

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  1. Oct 3 2008

    OK People, for those too dopey to attend Freshman Economics: Since 2001, the Federal Government has created a deficit of $3 Trillion. We’ve devalued the dollar and borrowed money from China; thus creating an inflationary, recessionary economy. While interest rates were artificially low, people borrowed mortgage money at the going rate. Mr. Berneke and his buddies created this situation and now they need to fix it. $25 Billion is only 2.5 months of budget for the Iraq war. Small potatoes

    San Diego tourism

  2. Owning a home is not the be all and end all. In fact, for a fair number of people renting is a much better choice. A house can be an albatross that is hard to dispose of. It certainly limits your mobility. The government is making a mistake trying to maximize home ownership with it’s easy money policies.

    Southern California Real Estate

  3. Three more years of precipitous drops and I’ll be able to afford one….. YEA!

    Dental Specialist

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