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Friday, September 02, 2005

Legal Blawg - San Francisco Lawyers & Attorneys

I also write a blawg. Actually, it's more of a collection of InternetTech tips/observations to inform legal (actually most regular sites as well) web site owners how to achieve improved search engine standings while avoiding the many Internet scams.

My blawg legaladvice library site. is still very much a work in progress. My legal directorySan Francisco lawyers - attorneys Directory site is the newer of our 15 legal directory sites that cover California, Texas and Las Vegas.
Please visit and check them out if you have the time.

MORE IMPORTANTLY . . .I have been watching the news about Hurricane Katrina as I am sure you have been too. My heart goes out to these people and I pray they get the assitance they need as fast as humanly possible.What makes me sick are the emails I have been receiving over the past few days from people "claiming" to help. Maybe they are sincere maybe not. I don't know.
If You Want To Help The Hurricane Efforts
Here's two links to legitimate organizations to donate you money to if you want to help.
FEMA - http://www.fema.govRed Cross - http://www.redcross.orgFeel free to pass this message on to someone else.

Help someone and donate what you can today.