San Diego real estate market


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  1. Home Foreclosure vs. Short Sale…

    In a short sale, home owners ask their lender to accept a buyer’s offer that is less than the amount needed to pay off the balance of the mortgage. Lenders who agree to a short sale also typically agree to forgive the remaining debt. Many call short…

    Trackback by — June 15, 2008 @ 8:19 am

  2. If I predict recession every year I will get it right eventually.My understanding of economics is that something either goes up or it goes down. There are 50-50 odds to guess right. Some may guess 60% right but will eventually revert back to the mean. Its too bad this is a time when the system has been raped for every nickel and dime for the next few years.

    Real Estate Homes

    Comment by San Diego real estate brokers — June 17, 2008 @ 12:46 pm

  3. We are facing turbulent times with the credit crunch / liquidity crisis, a very possible recession, hedge funds collapsing, small & large banks experiencing major loses and the ups and downs of the bond and stock markets.

    Tourism and hotels

    Comment by Downtown San Diego hotels — June 17, 2008 @ 12:58 pm

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