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Posts tagged ‘bailout’


So Much For The Bailout

Wall street voices its opinion of the Government bailout. First it was the Government cash taxpayer rebate. Then we had a Government housing bailout effective October 1, 2008. Then, in a third step, the Government bailout program known as the "rescue bill," signed into law on October 5, 2008.

During the three business days after the latest bailout bill was voted on, Wall Street & all other world marketssaw huge declines. Note the Dow Jones Index chart shown below:

 stock market reaction to Government bailout

Now, Obama is already proposing another bailout plan. I would suggest that just like the Rocky movies, we name these new bills, bailout #1, bailout #2, bailout #3 … It would be much easier to reference these different bills if each was numbered. 

I venture to say that somewhere around bailout #4 or #5 (the P.C. name of the next bill will most likely be "The neighborhood village revitalization Act") we will finally see the Government's real end-game: Behind on your home payments? Not to worry, we will rewrite your loan to the new depreciated value of your home and reduce your interest rate to today's rate. Plus, we will extend the 30 year term to 60 years to lower your monthly payments. If you cannot make your new drastically reduced payments, just pay what you can and we'll make up the difference by again extending your payback period beyond the sixty year term. Did I hear anyone say 100-year home mortgages?

Naturally, you can keep the new speedboat and SUV you purchased with your original home equity loan.

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