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San Diego Real Estate Traffic

San Diego Real Estate Traffic

Central Library San Diego - San Diego housing market forecast

Unique real estate website traffic

Below is a graph showing our unique traffic to for the first four months of 2016 this site has been able to generate over 25,340 unique visitors per month!

I should explain here, that unique traffic to a website is totally different than website hits. Actually, website hits is just a measuring how many different graphics are loaded onto pages when they are accessed. Another words, if someone visits your homepage and you have one 23 graphic elements on that page, this will count as 23 hits.

Now, looking at unique visits one person visiting your site will only be counted once from the same computer or mobile device in a 24 hour period. So again in our example, one visit here will show up as one unique visit and even if that same person was to go back to the site three or four more times during the next 24 hour period it would not count again toward unique visits. Now, I should say that’s assuming that they use the same mobile device or the same computer to access the site. Because the website counts the unique IP address on each one of these devices and more than one visit in a 24 hour period from the same IP address will be ignored.

So, you can see that looking at unique website visits is really the best gauge for popularity of a website. Read more »