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San Diego real estate market forecast 2015

San Diego real estate market forecast 2015

2015 San Diego real estate market forecast

Where does the San Diego real estate market seem to be headed for 2015? Once again at this time of year, when all the pundits come out with their forecast, it’s the rare individual that does not go along with the real estate industry’s proverbial ‘now’s the time to buy’ mantra. I’m going to be part of the 1% who deviates from the traditional ‘by now before you’re priced out of the market’ end of the year talking points.

When it comes to real estate marketing forecast, I don’t believe the general public should put much credence in the opinions of local real estate brokers, agents, or economists associated with the real estate industry. This is because when you get down to it the real estate industry is in the sales business. And in sales you must be optimistic and sometimes overly optimistic about future trends if you want to survive.

Now, just think about it. When’s the last time you heard of, or read, an opinion from a local real estate professional that perhaps the future outlook for the market was stagnation, or in the case of the San Diego real estate market bubble bursting in 2005, that we were near or at the top of the market?

Personally, I’ve never understood why the National Association of Realtors has its’ own economist. There has to be a tremendous pressure to shade all forecasts in a positive light.

Having been in residential real estate for over three decades, I consider myself a realist. I endeavor to always call my forecast for the new year in San Diego real estate as I personally see it, without regard for the ever present ‘Now’s a great time to buy real estate’ mindset of the industry majority. Read more »